The Perspective
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The Beginning ...
Over the years it was felt that there must be a forum or penal that could pin point (I use the arguments loosely) the people who have inflicted an inexplicible damage to unseen morals and values. Those who percieve to be the 'Big Ones' but aren't good enough to prove their point. This requires a high degree of accuracy to know such persons correctly and then informing others of their unprecedented thoughts. After Traits' Evaluations such individuals/groups will be informed about such acts/thoughts/ norms seem conflicted.

It was difficult though to evaluate the Reality then, but now use of Information Exchange has made it possible to do the Tough Task. After a lot of careful deliberations and discussions it
was consequently decided to launch a Front that would do the task. Such a front will recieve inputs about the Characters (I would rather say 'Subjects') from all available dimensions and use Expertise to evaluate subjects's traits/attributes.

This is an initiation of good will and well being. Your criticism/ advice/opinion/suggestions will be received Happily.

Eastern Horizons